Meghann Wick
Professional Massage Therapy

Services & Rates

Tonic Massage

70 minutes: $105
100 minutes: $150

Tonic Massage is my signature work.  Digging into my collection of knowledge and skill this service will not disappoint.  Intuitive hands follow the tensional pull in your relaxed body to address the site of cause and return you to natural state of balance.  Session begins with body reading compressions to find your specific target areas followed by flowing movements with my secret recipe home made body butter to continue to the search of fascial and muscle constrictions.  Deep precise work applied to areas of need ending with pulling and stretching to create length and space within your joints.  Expect to receive variations of hot stones, aromatherapy and hot towels.

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70 minutes: $130
100 minutes: $175

Canna-Tonic will you leave you exactly how that sounds. This massage has nature and science coming together to give your body an ultra effective approach to pain relief.  Extra strength cannabis oil is added to the all natural product used in your session.  More effective than the Tonic Massage because the human body contains an Endocannabinoid system and topical use will activate your ECS receptors providing you with it's healing benefits.  Treatment begins with intuitive hands compressing and feeling for any tensional pulling. CBD infused sugar scrub to exfoliate the back and reach those CB receptors. Relaxing hot towels layer your back for smooth removal. Next, the Canna-Tonic CBD Concoction is applied with deeply relaxing pressure and precision work used to release any restrictions within your tissues.  Session ends with stretching and pulling movements that leave you feeling loose and limber. Enhancements include variations of reflexology, cranial sacral, reiki, hot stones, hot towels and Aromatherapy. Enjoy a CBD edible as parting gift to extend the ultra relaxing effects.

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60 minutes: $90

Focus is SOLE-ly on the feet with this treatment but be prepared for full body results.  A detoxing foot mask is applied and layered with hot towels to steam and relax the feet.  After the mask is fully removed Reflexology techniques unwind your feet and ankles working through the nerve zones that will trickle relaxation all the way to the top of your head.  This is a unique and deeply relaxing service to receive with only having to kick off your shoes, lay down on a heated massage table and cozy up with a blanket while you drift off into a one hour nap.

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40 minutes: $60

Spot Tonic is a specific spot treatment for only 1-2 areas.  We dive right into the massage addressing the very reason that brings you in.  Spot-Tonic is perfect for those who want to dip their toes into receiving a massage perhaps before committing to a full body service, short on self care time or truly only want for example neck and shoulder work.  

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